Reading has helped unleash my creativity. It sparks ideas, promotes a different way of thinking and helps me understand the world around me a little better. It’s cheesy, but it’s true!
When I was little (I don’t remember what age), I got a report card in school that suggested that my reading comprehension wasn’t super stellar. From then on, I remember DREADING standardized tests with reading sections and the subsequent multiple choice questions aimed at evaluating your ability to comprehend and retain information about what you’d just read. I never developed the muscle for reading as a form of relaxing, unwinding, escaping, or for pleasure. I internalized that I was a bad reader.
For decades, it bothered me that I didn’t enjoy reading. Every January, I would write a few resolutions or goals down on the first page of a notebook and at the top of the list was always ‘START AND FINISH BOOKS.’ The year would go by with six or seven books partially read and me feeling annoyed with myself.
A few summers ago, I had a conversation with a few friends who love reading and it dawned on me that reading could actually be enjoyable. I was going through some ups and downs at the time and had this moment of wonder - maybe immersing myself into books would offer my mind some comfort, freedom, and perhaps even clarity? I made a pact with myself, willingly, to try reading books again. But, I knew that in order to do this, I needed to find books that I actually wanted to read.
What else has helped me start, finish and love reading?
#1 - Life is short. Put down a book you don’t like. I rarely push myself to get through a book anymore. There are way too many books out there. Close the book and move on. Just because soooo many people tell you it’s worth it, doesn’t mean it’s right for you!
#2 - Figure out what you like! I’ve found that I love character-driven novels, memoirs, Japanese books translated into English, certain historical fiction, and books written by underrepresented authors.
#3 - Browse websites and listen to podcasts! I’m still not one to read the entirety of book reviews, but I like to browse and listen and get a sense of what the book is about. This doesn’t always mean I’ll love it, but this helps me figure out whether or not I at least want to put the title on hold at the library. Another thing I love to do is search for book titles or authors in Apple Podcasts to find interviews. I love listening to podcasts about books after I’ve read them to get a better sense of what went into writing the book, etc. (Websites, blogs, podcasts listed at the end of this post!)
#4 - Take advantage of library holds! I put titles on hold even before the book is published. That way, I’m often first in line for popular titles and don’t have to wait for months. I never thought I’d say this, but I love reading on a Kindle now because I am able to access hundreds of books with the ease of convenience. And hot tip, if your Kindle version is due back to the library and you’re not finished yet, switch to Airplane mode (WiFi off) and you’ll keep the title for a longer time :) Also, audiobooks count! I usually save nonfiction, parenting, self-help(ish) books for audio and listen in the car or around the house.
#5 - Visit bookstores even if you don’t want to buy books! Look for staff picks and talk to booksellers. There are thousands of books published each year and no way for everyone to know each title. Talking to professional booksellers (and your friends!) will lead you to titles you might never have come across otherwise.
#6 - Avoid the reading rut! Several times a year I find myself in a rut. I start several books and just don’t get the good vibes. To get myself out of the rut in the past, I’ve read a novella, a graphic novel, or a YA book. Reading something different than usual sometimes helps break the cycle.
#7 - Don’t forget about the backlist! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all the new titles coming out, but remember there are sooooo many books from years past. Sometimes it’s fun to search the web for book lists from certain years or decades.
#8 - Tell people about the books you’ve loved! What goes around comes around. I’m always taking book recs :)
#9 - Take note of the Little Free Libraries in your neighborhood and, if you can have your own, get one! This is a great way to find new titles, recycle your own books, magazines, etc. and share books with your community.
Websites / Blogs
BBC Radio 4 - Books and Authors
Fully Booked by Kirkus Reviews
Poured Over - The Barnes & Noble Podcast
The Librarian Is In - The New York Public Library